The Top 9 Challenges of Language Access for Schools

To support students and their families who speak English as a second language, schools must provide a complete range of translation and interpretation resources to bridge communication gaps. Language access is a critical component that must be in place to support a large percentage of students in the United States. Look at the stats:   Over […]

5 Easy Ways to Provide Language Access to Families with Limited English Proficiency


Speaking a language other than English at home is a reality for one in five Americans. People with limited English-speaking abilities report that language barriers have prevented them from accessing a number of essential services, including: Are we doing enough to make these people feel included in our communities? If you work in education, government, […]

Six Reasons Why You Need a Portal to Help You Manage Language Access Requests 

why you need a portal

Every person, regardless of language or background, deserves to be heard and understood. Behind every request for language services is a person seeking clarity, understanding, and connection. Yet, for language access coordinators (or anyone else in charge of arranging language assistance) managing these requests can be overwhelming.   For example, coordinators may receive a flurry of […]

Is your Language Access Program Mature Enough to Meet Your Community’s Needs?

About 8% of the U.S. population, or 26.7 million people, are not native speakers of English and have limited English proficiency (LEP). Language access – providing translation and interpretation services so this population can access the services they need – helps these members of our community to work, learn, receive care, and thrive in our […]
