The Top 3 Things You Need to Do to Successfully Execute a Language Access Program

title - The Top 3 Things You Need to Do to Successfully Execute a Language Access Program

Did you know that nearly 68 million US residents face language barriers in everyday communication? Successful language access programs bridge this gap so that no one is left unheard, but organizing and coordinating such programs effectively remains a daunting task for many organizations. This can lead to fragmented services and unmet needs. To execute a […]

Is your Language Access Program Mature Enough to Meet Your Community’s Needs?

About 8% of the U.S. population, or 26.7 million people, are not native speakers of English and have limited English proficiency (LEP). Language access – providing translation and interpretation services so this population can access the services they need – helps these members of our community to work, learn, receive care, and thrive in our […]
